What is an environmental site assessment? In the US, it is an analysis to identify possible or existing environmental contamination liabilities for real estate holdings. Any type of property can be subject to an environmental site assessment, also known as an ESA. The report usually addresses the physical property and well as underlying land.
in 1998, lawmakers established that there was a desire and need for an investigative body to assure the government that commercial property purchasers were not unknowingly buying contaminated land. This is what is known as a safe harbor that protects the new purchaser so that they will not be later held for remediation and expensive cleanup of messes the previous owner created.
The first step of an ESA is Phase 1 ESA Las Vegas. Phase 1 is more basic and does not usually including sampling the soil, groundwater, air, or building materials. This does not take place until a Phase II site assessment, which only occurs when a site is suspected to be contaminated.
What are some basic events that can cause a Phase 1 esa nevada study to be called for? There are several factors. If a change of use is filed to a public agency, if there is a divestiture of properties, if regulatory agencies suspect for some reason that there are toxic conditions, if the purchase of property is by a person not previously on the title, if there is a redistribution of ownership or partnership buyout, et cetera. Phase 1 environmental Nevada examinations are basic, but extensive in their scope.
There are several tasks common to Phase 1 environmental Nevada. There will be an on site visit in order for officials to view the present coniditions and how hazardous substances are used and stored. They will review federal, tribal, local and state records for surrounding land. They will interview others who would be knowledgeable about the history of the property, including neighbors or present tenants. A phase 1 environmental las vegas report will do file searches on public acencies to make sure there have been no water quality problems, etc. They will look over aerial photography, topography, and drainage patterns of the property. Phase 1 environmental Nevada will also evaluate the potential risks to adjacent properties.
If there are issues with the phase 1 environmental Nevada examination, then phase 2 and phase 3 will commence.