I searched “Cincinnati web design” or “web designer Cincinnati” (one of those two) and did some looking around when I realized my technophobia was killing my business. I was not very efficient until my son came over and helped me out. Together, we found a content management system, which is a computer program that lets you publish and edit and modify all of your website stuff (or content as my son keeps calling it). My son said that the great feature about this program was that it allows me to make changes to my website without needing to use a webmaster (whatever that is).
I just liked the little bits of trivia that the website had. See, I am a history buff, so the fact that they offered tid bits of Internet history, like that the first website officially went online on August 6 in 1991, really appealed to a guy like me. Another of my favorites was that almost exactly twenty years later, the web wound up containing nearly 20 billion pages.
Apart from this program we hired a guy we found by googling “web designer Cincinnati” and got a nice stream lined website that has been optimized for mobile devices. He told us that this was the right move because, fact of the matter is, now that people are using their mobile devices to access the internet rather than their home computer, having a mobile optimized website is more crucial now than ever before.
My web designer Cincinnati” guy really helped me out. I was very fortunate to find him when I did. Now, I go to my web designer Cincinnati guy with any of my issues. In fact, I just let the web designer Cincinnati guy handle everything about my website.
Has any other technophobe out there needed help like I needed my “web designer Cincinnati” guy? See this link for more references: jointeffortmarketing.com